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 Oliver Fenghour wearing a dark jacket with burgundy tie with a plain white background behind him



My name is Oliver Fenghour and I am the Director and Founder of Advance: The Disability Consultants. I have a form of Autism known as Asperger’s Syndrome. I was diagnosed by a Professor of Neurology at Great Ormond Street at the age of 10. I was also diagnosed with Dyspraxia at the age of 4. Upon leaving school at 16 I struggled for many years to find employment and found there was often a distinct lack of awareness and understanding of those who were Neurodivergent.

Eventually I was helped by the disability charity Mencap into employment with J Sainsburys PLC. Mencap supported me successfully in the workplace for about three years, yet with the financial crash in 2008 and the consequent austerity that followed, meant that the support I had received in the workplace was subsequently removed. I was fortunate that by the time my support in the workplace was removed I was functioning well in the workplace due to the excellent awareness and understanding that my employers and colleagues had of my needs and requirements as a Neurodivergent Adult.

I consider myself to be one of the more fortunate ones as only 21.7% of people on the Autistic Spectrum are in full-time employment and only 37% of people with autism in the United Kingdom are in some form of either part-time or full-time employment. Globally only 20% of people with autism are in employment and on average  just over 50% of people who are Neurodivergent are in full time employment globally.


Since starting my employment journey with J Sainsburys PLC I have gone onto achieve a Bachelor of Honours Law Degree from the Open University in the United Kingdom as well as a chartered HR Qualification at degree standard in UK employment Law. I have also worked in the HR and Recruitment fields.  

My primary objective of founding Advance: The Disability Consultants is to help give organisations the confidence, knowledge and skills required to think positively about giving Neurodivergent people access to meaningful sustainable employment where they can actively thrive and be successful.  As a specialist Neurodiversity consultancy business we offer a wide suite of Neurodiversity training, consultancy and partnerships to help organisations become Neurodiversity confident employers. 

Since founding Advance: The Disability Consultants in 2019 we have worked with organisations in the UK, USA, Australia, Argentina, Central America, Germany, Sweden and Singapore to help them understand and learn more about Neurodiversity and Neurodivergent people. Since 2019 we have helped support organisations as diverse as The Rainforest Alliance, eBay and Shell to become Neurodiversity Confident Employers.  

© 2019 by Advance: The Disability Consultants

It was a great pleasure working with Oliver Fenghour from Advance: The Disability Consultants. Shell employees were especially interested to hear Oliver’s personal story, his diagnosis and his experiences, specifically the common workplace challenges that people with autism face.  The session was just the start of our journey to support neurodiversity in the workplace and we look forward to working with Oliver in the future.

Kara Duncombe ER/IR Advisor Shell

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